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LA Design Space

My name is Lynn Adkison, and I am...


a mom 

an experienced marketing writer

a halfway decent cook

a professional technical writer

a hobby vegetable gardener

a project & product manager with startup experience

an ongoing student,

a content creator and manager...

Welcome to LA Design Space!

I moved from the newspaper to Content Management & Creation (basically keyword stacked blogging) for an automotive CRM. When I got there, I knew nothing about Content Management, Content Creation, or Automotive Marketing.

So, I learned from some really wonderful people, and eventually became the Manager of the Digital Marketing Department. It was a small department that gave me my first taste of something like Startup Project Management.

I hold a Bachelor of Arts in English from the University of Florida. I thought I wanted to be a lawyer, but Business Law convinced me otherwise.


Instead, I began my career in the newspaper industry as a Staff Writer. I was relatively quickly promoted to Managing Editor.

The newspaper business in a small town is the lifeblood of the community, and I was very fortunate to have had the experience.



I next became a CSPO for multiple products - our prospective LMS, two very different mobile applications, and ultimately, a suite of marketing automation systems designed to target customers at various points in the automotive sales and service lifecycle.

To me, this is where my writing and creative sides were really able to merge; user stories and release notes and product marketing materials gave me a good taste of what Technical Writing for Business was all about while still allowing me to use the Adobe Suite, HTML/XML, etc. to design. 

I found that I really liked combining marketing & managing, so I set my sights on doing something that combined them more fluidly.

I became the Director of a startup geared around creating a data learning model that would predict which customers were most likely to respond to our marketing efforts on what schedule, allowing us to target our audience as accurately as possible.

That venture brought me into contact with some impressive minds, some interesting personalities, and a plethora of vendors, agencies, call centers, and more. It was a fantastic opportunity to push my imagination - as well as my Project Management & Product Management skills - to an entirely new level.


It also provided me the opportunity to become self-employed; I have been contracting in multiple capacities for a number of years now.

Thank you for taking the time to look through my portfolio! I hope you see something you like.

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